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West Coast University

You Vs One Million

For over 100 years West Coast University has been educating and preparing students for professional careers in nursing, dental hygiene, health administration, occupational therapy, physical therapy and pharmacy. West Coast University offers a path for passionate people who want more than just a career, but people who want to make a real difference. We tapped into this passion and asked the question… How are these people different from athletes? They are passionate, driven and go above and beyond to save people’s lives everyday. So we approached the creative with the mindset of an athletic brand that powers champions instead of a university that trains medical professionals. The result is a fast-paced emotionally charged campaign that appeals to the under 30 crowd that is also WCU’s core demo. 

West Coast University "You vs One Million"

West Coast University "You vs One Million"


Chief Creative Officer: Zach Lyons

ECD: John Zegowitz

Director: Zach Lyons

Agency: SCS

© 2024 Washed&Folded LLC. 

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